Thursday, December 16, 2010


"Today I am still very much of the midst of a transformation. At times it seems as if I'm progressing, while at other times, I cannot help but feel that I am slipping back down a mountain I have struggled so hard to climb" -Matthew Kelly on Rediscovering Catholicism.

About 76 pages into the book and this was the first line that I found myself highlighting.  Something about this paragraph stood out.  Its like my heart recognized the prophetic truth it would have in my own life.  You have to understand, at page 76, I was just beginning to open that crack in my heart.  Aside from being forced to attend Mass for most of my childhood, I never allowed God to be relevant in my life.  In fact, I had never made one solid decision because of Him.

Looking back I realize this paragraph wasn't placed so clearly in front of my eyes for some random, unknown reason.  This paragraph wasn't an accident.  I believe it had been carefully placed and was truly a divine gift from heaven.  God knew I needed to read this, and more importantly, to always be aware of it. This paragraph was to be my crutch as I began my journey...and it continues to be my crutch today.

Being Catholic is not always easy.  In today's world, I often feel as if the odds are stacked against me.  My husband is not Catholic.  I am a Yankee living in the south.  Need I say more?  Many times I feel as if I'm making this journey on my own.  At Mass, I look around and see other families sharing in the experience...and I am alone.  But then I look up and realize that I am not alone.  Although my views about faith, life & love have undergone a dramatic change, I am not alone.

On the days I feel as though I'm slipping down that mountain...I stop, look down and realize just how far I've climbed.  Thankfully, most of my slips are minor.  And within each slip I hear God saying, "Stay alert...stay strong...keep going...keep climbing...I am with you."

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