Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What do you think of when you hear the word "Radical"?  For many of us, we may have a bit of resistance to it.  Do you think of someone who's too far to the left or to the right?  Maybe someone a little crazy, someone who's mind cannot be reasoned with?  I have to admit, when I hear the word "Radical", I don't associate it with something I strive to be.  Could it be that maybe I'm missing something?

This word really has me thinking.  And the more I think, the more I realize that Thinking = Radical.  As a society, have we stopped "thinking"?  Are we now classifying Radicals as those who have a thought and enjoy discussing their thoughts?

About a month ago, I was having dinner with some friends...and the dreaded conversation about religion came up.  I know, society tells us we should never talk about politics or religion.  But why is that?  At the mere mention of the word "Jesus" or "Catholic" and it seems that people go into a frenzy. I'm not exaggerating...people freak out. About two minutes into the conversation and one person decided to leave because they had heard enough.  I seriously don't get it...Am I missing something??  Wasn't this country built on the concept to believe in a side and discuss it?  Shouldn't we be able to calmly argue our side in hopes that the truth will eventually surface?  Isn't obtaining the truth the entire reason we argue in the first place? The only sad truth I'm seeing is that WE don't even have a side anymore because being on a side is considered "Radical".  So forget about discussing your side (if you're one of the few people left who have one).

We live in a society where we can paint our entire bodies blue and gold to support a college football team, hangout in -10 degree weather and that's considered normal.  Its the people discussing politics and religion who are now radicals.  Don't you dare talk about abortion, human rights or sexuality because that's being insensitive.  You don't want to offend anyone by having a thought or opinion that counters with theirs.  Lets just go on and on about things that mean absolutely nothing.  As long as we stay mute about the things that really matter everyone seems happy.

Well, how is this for RADICAL:  I am a Catholic.  I have a daily encounter with Christ.  As a result of this encounter, my life has been RADICALLY reoriented towards Him.  I believe that I was made by God for one reason:  To be sanctified by Him.  I am RADICALLY impassioned with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.  I am RADICALLY enamored with a church that Jesus Christ founded.  I am RADICALLY in love with the Eucharist and I have a  RADICAL faith that Jesus is present in the Eucharist.  I RADICALLY embrace the truth that Mary & the Saints are praying for me right now. I am a RADICAL.

During this Advent season, I pray that we all get THINKING.  Jesus was anything but boring and we shouldn't be either.  Jesus didn't tell his followers what they wanted to hear...He told them what they needed to hear.  He didn't stand by silently because He was afraid of offending someone. With every mile He walked, He offended people by the thousands.  We don't read Gospels that have boring, meaningless stories.  Jesus stirred the pot by getting people to THINK.  He challenged us.  Jesus was RADICAL!  And for those of us whose sole purpose in life is to become closer to Christ, shouldn't we be emulating Him?

Just like you football fans who find yourself in -10 degree weather because you've got team spirit...Well, I've got spirit too!  Its just that mine comes in the form of the Trinity and it doesn't end after four quarters, a fumble or a bad snap ;)

May God Bless Us All!!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. It seems we are so zoned in on media, technology & social outlets that we don't take time to think anymore.
