Thursday, December 9, 2010


Imagine being in love.  Deeply & passionately in love.  You love that person with all of your heart. You honor that person.  You look forward to spending time with that person.  But for a moment, imagine that person never taking the time for you.  Imagine weeks passing before they made the time..and not because they were away on business or deployed overseas.  They simply had other things going on...things that were more important than what you had to offer them.  And when they did make the time, maybe they were preoccupied.  Can you imagine the pain you might feel because of this?  It wouldn't be long before you might begin to reconsider the relationship.  And why?  Because a healthy relationship requires a commitment from both sides.  It doesn't matter if it's a business relationship, a romantic relationship or a relationship with your family.  Both sides have to be committed in order for it to be successful.

Let me take this a step further.  For those of you who are married or in serious relationships, ask yourself this question:  Do you consider your spouse a wonderful spouse just because he/she isn't cheating on you?  Are they "Husband/Wife of the Year" because they made it home in time for dinner or because they don't spend five hours a night at the local pub?  I can answer that question for most of us...No.  Most of us want more than just the bare minimum.  We want to be romanced.  We want dinner and a movie.  We want conversations and laughter.  We want shared, tender moments. 

The moments we look forward to in our relationships are the same moments Jesus looks forward to with you.  He desires a relationship with you. He desires shared & tender moments with you.  He is deeply and passionately in love with you...and He isn't satisfied when you show up once a month or once a year.  More than that, He's deeply wounded when you show up distracted. 

Do you desire a relationship with Christ?  In this crazy & hectic world, do you long to spend quiet moments placing yourself in His presence?

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